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OFT GIFT Program

The Overseas Federation of Teachers' (OFT) Graduate Institute for Teachers (GIFT) would like to formally announce the following program, beginning June 2020:

Master of Arts Degree with a Concentration Educational Leadership
(Deadline to apply is March 31, 2020)

-Who may Apply?

*DODEA / DODDS / DDESS teachers, their spouses, substitutes, aides and dependents of those connected with the former may participate; the only requirement is that there is an association with DODEA. PLEASE encourage anyone that you think could be a potential candidate to review the information.

What are the dates?

Summer 2020

*22 June - 3 July

*3 - 14 August

Summer 2021 dates TBA

-How many participants are needed for the program to run?

*At minimum, 20 participants.

-Can I just take the courses for credits? I already have my master's.


-What is the duration of the program?

 *See attached schedule (exact June/August dates TBD); each session is 2 weeks.

-What is the tuition?

*OFT Members: Course fee: $820 (per course); $20 registration fee (per session); One Time Application fee: $100

*Non-OFT Members: Course fee: $945 (per course); $20 registration fee (per session); One Time Application fee: $100

-Where will  the program be located?

*Vicenza, Italy

-What if I was enrolled in the last ET program and would like to continue in the Master's program?

*There is enough overlap that anyone who completed EDUC 932 could have EDLE 938 waived if they enrolled in the M.A. degree in Educational Leadership. Also, anyone who took the INST 941 course Internet for the 21st Century that was part of the Educational Technology Certificate, could also have EDLE 938 waived.

-What can I do about accommodations?

*The program coordinator will be available to help you find housing in a variety of ways: staying with someone in Vicenza, staying in someone’s home that is gone for the summer, or hotels. Of course, you may make your own arrangements.

-How do I apply?

*Begin with the June Registration (attached); send to Payment information will be given upon receipt of the June Registration; payments will be refunded if the program does not meet enough participants to commence.

*Please see the checklist (K) on the FSU Graduate Application for all other required documents. The Deadline for the registration is 31 March 2020.

-Where can I find more information about Framingham State University (FSU)?

-When do I know if the program will is happen or not?

*As soon as we have 20 registered participants, it will be announced. The deadline for the registration is 31 March 2020.

*If you have specific course related questions, please contact Ms. Joyce Fahey,, Associate Director Office of Graduate Studies, Framingham State University (FSU).

If you have any additional questions, please contact me.

Thank you!

Michael Morris
GIFT Director
Vicenza Elementary School
3rd Grade Teacher

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